Kronoscope RS



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 Kronoscrope RSDiscovery RS
Shipping weight:5kg10kg
Effective lenght:306 mm306 mm
Effective mass:mediummedium high
Overhang:13.2 mm13.2 mm
Pivot to spindle distance:292 mm292 mm
Maximum tracking error:0.1250.125
measured resonant frequency (9 grams, 15 units of compliance test cartridge):7.5 hertz6.5 hertz
Cartridge weight compatibility:5 to 24 grams
VTA adjustments:coarse and fine up to 1 inch
Azimuth adjustment:Fine/Dual Counter Weights
Bearing type:proprietary half ball and surface-treated elliptical dimpled uni-pivot receiving cup.
Arm tube characteristics:Patented resonance suppressor technology. Multi-layered latticed reinforced composite arm tube.
Head shell:Lazered precision ceramic composite with nickel cladding
Cartridge plate:5-point adjustable assembly, with variable resonance suppression tuning.
Arm lift:hydraulic dampened, height adjustable.

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